My MLB team, the Minnesota Twins, are playing a nationally televised game tonight, and I’ll be ignoring it and watching AEW Dynamite for Jericho/Cassidy II. But I’m not only watching AEW Dynamite over baseball. I’m watching AEW Dynamite over the NHL Playoffs, the NBA, and WNBA, all of which I watch regularly. Why? Jericho/Cassidy II, that’s why.

AEW Dynamite has the best rivalry going in wrestling between superstar heel Chris Jericho and shooting star hero Orange Cassidy. They are polar opposites. Jericho cares too much; Cassidy couldn’t care less. Jericho fights dirty; Cassidy makes Jericho’s jackets dirty. Jericho won’t shut up; Cassidy doesn’t care enough to speak. But that didn’t stop Cassidy from winning a debate Jericho demanded be held during AEW Dynamite last week. It was the most entertaining thing I watched that day, and there was baseball, hockey, soccer, and men’s and women’s basketball to watch. It was the first time I heard Orange Cassidy speak, and of course, to my delight, his first words warned the world of the dangers of global warming.

Tonight we get Jericho/Cassidy II, and given what they gave us in the first installment, it should be a match for the ages. The first match had everything, and both men gave it everything. Not only do these two characters give great performances as actors, but both can really wrestle (well, wrastle). Jericho has found an equal on AEW Dynamite who can do all the moves he’s learned over a long career in professional wrestling. And Cassidy’s careless style has Jericho and everyone else in AEW doing things they’ve never done before. I mean, Cassidy starting matches with his hands in his pockets isn’t just a bit. It forces opponents to learn how to safely wrestle a man with his hands in his pockets. Hell, my dad broke both his arms in his youth while walking on railroad tracks with his hands in his pockets.
You don’t have to be a fan of professional wrestling to enjoy AEW Dynamite. I hadn’t watched professional wrestling since Goldberg was robbed of his undefeated record. My buddy told me about Orange Cassidy, and I fell in love. But it was the other characters, aerial acrobatics, cinematography, set design, and overall entertainment value that has me coming back to AEW Dynamite every week. There’s a tag team called “The Best Friends.” The mom of one of the guys drives the two of them to work in her minivan. Well, she did, until the minivan was destroyed by another tag team last week. “The Best Friends” will surely attempt to protect Orange Cassidy from the foul play of Chris Jericho and his goons that won him the first match between them.
I haven’t been this excited for a sporting event since the Twins played the Athletics in the 2002 MLB Playoffs. It’s ridiculous, I know, but until you see AEW Dynamite, you don’t really know ridiculousness. I introduced AEW Dynamite to two friends who had never previously seen it and both are tuning in tonight. No one does it better than AEW Dynamite. It’s the most entertaining sporting event going, and just about every sport is going.